Unit 9: Space and Art

Space is something that has always been a fascinating mystery to me. I also enjoyed this week’s topic because I am currently taking an Astronomy class and I felt I could relate a lot of what I have already learned in that class to the readings and videos in this class, such as the topics I will discuss in this blog post.

Copernicus, an expert in the field of math and science, discovered the “heliocentric theory” which was that the sun was the center of our universe. His discovery made a big step in developing the visual aspect of space.

Image result for heliocentric theory

In order for people to see the theories that were being discovered, the telescope was invented by Giovanni Demisiani. This was a game changer in astronomy because people were able to actually have a visual of our mysterious universe. Galileo was the first to view an actual object through the telescope: the phases of the moon. He used a different convex and concave lenses, which inspired many others to begin gaining pictures of the outside world.

Image result for first telescope 
Something cool that was discussed in the lecture that I had not heard of before was Sudbury’s Buckyballs. These are caged structures that carry helium from space to Earth’s surface. These were seen on Earth’s surface as well as in space through a NASA telescope. It is made by 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons with a carbon atom at each vertex of every polygram. Space is filled with so many natural works of art such as this.
Image result for sudbury's buckyballs

Work Cited

"Heliocentric Theory." Pgapworld - Heliocentric Theory. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 June 2017. <https://pgapworld.wikispaces.com/Heliocentric+theory>.

Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery: The Buckyball Collection. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 June 2017. <https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/micro/gallery/bucky/bucky.html>.

The Galileo Project | Science | Telescope. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 June 2017. <http://galileo.rice.edu/sci/instruments/telescope.html>.

Uconlineprogram. "8 Space Intro 1280x720." YouTube. YouTube, 29 July 2013. Web. 05 June 2017. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dPAmpBiVHY>.

Uconlineprogram. "8 Space Pt1 1280x720." YouTube. YouTube, 29 July 2013. Web. 05 June 2017. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZIqTR332l8>.


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