
Showing posts from June, 2017

Study Guide/ Outline

Neuroscience & Art Introduction (complete by 6/5) Interesting because I am a psychology major Wish to pursue a career in the field Background Paragraph (complete by 6/6) A. When/ how/ who involved in early stages of psychological research B. How did it first become involved in art Current State Paragraph (6/6) A. How do the two collaborate now? Future Prediction Paragraph (6/6) A. How will the two affect each other in the future B. What could develop later on First Argumentative Body Paragraph (complete by 6/7) Memory Second Argumentative Body Paragraph (complete by 6/8) Consciousness Third Argumentative Body Paragraph (complete by 6/9) Neurochemicals Conclusion (6/10) Work Cited (6/10) **Finishing touches (6/11)

Event 3

Last week, I attended Claudia Schnugg’s pop-up lecture, “Creating Fertile Ground: ArtSci Collaboration”. Schnugg studied anthropology and psychology and describes her position now as a translator between big corporations, artists, and scientists. (I am seated in the second-to-last row in the black shirt) She began by answering the question of why try to collaborate science, art, and big corporations. This included advancements in new perspective and imagination, new technologies, societal/ political/ ethical implications, and communication. Claudia showed multiple examples of projects that collaborated the three fields such as Anouk Wipprecht’s “Agent Unicorn”, in which an artist created a unicorn shaped head piece with a camera that turns on whenever someone’s attention rises. This is intended for children with ADHD and used to record and display what is triggering these child’s attention. I thought this was such a cool idea and it actually led me to do more resea

Unit 9: Space and Art

Space is something that has always been a fascinating mystery to me. I also enjoyed this week’s topic because I am currently taking an Astronomy class and I felt I could relate a lot of what I have already learned in that class to the readings and videos in this class, such as the topics I will discuss in this blog post. Copernicus, an expert in the field of math and science, discovered the “heliocentric theory” which was that the sun was the center of our universe. His discovery made a big step in developing the visual aspect of space. In order for people to see the theories that were being discovered, the telescope was invented by Giovanni Demisiani. This was a game changer in astronomy because people were able to actually have a visual of our mysterious universe. Galileo was the first to view an actual object through the telescope: the phases of the moon. He used a different convex and concave lenses, which inspired many others to begin gaining pictures of the outside